7th Grade

Students in the 7th grade are undergoing rapid physiological and psychological changes. The curriculum challenges the thought processes of the young adolescent, leading him/her to discovery, understanding and discernment.

In 7th grade, we emphasize:

Renaissance: The study of the Renaissance, Reformation, and the Age of Exploration thus echo what the children are experiencing within themselves. The Renaissance was not only an artistic event, but was the beginning of a whole new way of looking at the world. During this time, the principle of learning through observation of phenomena emerged; leading directly to the development of our modern scientific method.

Chemistry: Students discover through observation the properties of various substances and the way in which they interrelate. They examine the phenomena of combustion, the water cycle, and the nature of acids and bases.

Physics: Students study the laws of refraction, reflection, heat, and electricity.

Health and Nutrition: At this age the children are particularly able to look at issues of health and nutrition in an objective way. The class considers those factors that foster health or illness in the human being, including an exploration of how various substances can promote one or the other condition. The students also study the systems of digestion, respiration, reproduction and circulation.

Math: The basic concepts of algebra and plane geometry are introduced. The children learn how the Renaissance artists used geometric principles to develop the laws of perspective, and practice the application of these laws in their own drawings.

History: The children learn biographies of great figures who went against the prevailing views of their day in their own search for truth, freedom, and self-expression. Through studying the lives of Galileo, Martin Luther, Christopher Columbus, Elizabeth I, and others, the children find reassurance that in their struggle to become themselves they also can contribute to the world.

The 7th grade curriculum includes:

Math: Algebra; mathematical thinking/theory; geometry; graphing

Literature & Grammar: English Literature; Grammar Review; research methods and projects

Science: Physics (mechanics); physiology; astronomy continued; inorganic chemistry; nutrition; continuation of garden and nature studies

Music and Performing Arts: Singing and flute/recorder in parts; possible inclusion of violin/cello; music theory

Art: clay modeling human hand and foot; woodworking; painting; perspective drawing; recreations of masters

World Language: Spanish and German continued, reading and conversation

History & Social Studies: Renaissance, Reformation and Age of Exploration

Geography: World geography; Africa, South America and Asia

Technology: Computers used in Main Lesson work

Physical Education: Team sports